Market Research

From january—December 2019

I worked at PATH (People Are The How), a market research firm in Columbus, Ohio. PATH’s main goal is to create market-driven solutions to retain and acquire new customers and improve customer and employee experience.

At PATH, I was part of the Research Team, where I used data science and data analytic methods to leverage business’ unique data to aid in business growth, increased profitability, greater market share, and higher employee retention. I conducted strategic growth analysis & brand research in four areas: (1) current/prospective employees, (2) current/prospective customers, (3) current/future market analysis, and (4) current/future competitor analysis.

Consumer Insights + User Research

Data Visualization

Working with Big Data

Statistical Analysis

Experimental Design

  • Used regression and classification techniques to quantify customer loyalty behaviors, measure employee engagement, and create actionable data-driven solutions

  • Collaborated with team to develop protocols to facilitate internal brand alignment using competitive analysis and feasibility studies in R, Snap, and Tableau

  • Contributed to data insights and visualizations presented by the partner team to company CEOs